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Shipston Beekeepers at the Brailes Show

The first village show of the season got of to a rather grey and drizzly start. But the sun did shine, the crowds came out, the Shipston Stand has lots of visitors and Shipston members did brilliantly well at the honey show.

We’re quite proud of our show stand. We mix selling a great range of hive products with lots of information about bees and beekeeping – and this year, a focus on the yellow-legged Asian Hornet. The observation is a great draw for adults and children alike.

All this takes a lot of time and effort to set up, to run during the day, and to strip out and get it all back to the Training Apiary, ready for the next show. This is how it all happened on Saturday 10th August 2024…..

Setting up….

Displaying products of the hive

The show opens

Hang on, we thought we were the bee people…

Bee active?…try removing 21 bulging supers from 7 colonies………

End of the day – stripping out

Of course all this would not happen without the help of many members: David and Margery Blower, Mike Clarke, Ray Pearce, John and Judy Critchfield, Paul Neal (and his son), Gary Thomas and Graham Franklin.

Brailes Honey Show

Oh my, Shipston members did rather well this year and the Class of ’24, aka the Wednesday Beginners Group, did amazingly well:

Class 54 (1 jar runny, novice):- 1st Victoria Fox, 2nd Team 34, 3rd Francoise (Fran) Teton-Filtz
Class 56 (2 jars runny, open class):- 2nd Victoria,
Class 58 (frame or cut comb) :- 1st Victoria (cut comb), 2nd Team 34 ( cut comb), 3rd Fran (cut comb)

Below is just a snippet; we’ve put lots of pictures of the winning entries on a separate page – Brailes Honey Show 2024.