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Shipston Beekeepers AGM 15 Feb 2022

Twenty-six members of Shipston Beekeepers turned up at Brailes Village Hall for our Annual General Meeting, a very pleasing turnout. It also meant we were quorate for the important formalities of the AGM.

The Annual report had been circulated in advance of the AGM which meant that the Chair and Secretary could move through the Agenda at a reasonable pace. During the AGM we are able to fill both the vacancies we have on the Shipston Beekeepers Committee as follows:

Chair Elect Ray Pearce
SecretaryDouglas Nethercleft (it’s worth noting here that Douglas has held most positions on the Committee in the past!)

After the AGM we had some eats and drinks; thanks for Douglas for arranging the food and Ray for sorting out all the drinks.

We then had a fascinating (remote) talk by Celia Davis NDB on the internal workings of a honey bee.

All in all a great evening and just so good to be able to get together again and talk beekeeping.

(right-click and select ‘open in a new tab’ to see a larger version of the pictures)