Warwickshire AHAT Coordinator. routhjulian@gmail.com
SBK AHAT Coordinator. Paul Baines, Chair Shipston Beekeepers via chair.shipston@wbka.org.uk or 07894066576
Any suspected Asian hornet sightings should be reported to – – –
- The NBU (National Bee Unit).
- The NNSS (Non Native Species Secretariat.
- Your seasonal/Regional Beekeeper, ( see back page WB).
- Your AHAT team or coordinator, (see SBKA website). Note. The purpose of having an AHAT is to facilitate/verify identification and location of sightings so that the appropriate authorities can be notifies asap.
When emailing, please include your name, the location of the sighting and if possible, a photograph of the hornet. Please do not put yourself in any danger of getting stung when trying to take a photo.
Further information on Asian Hornet and identification on this website under – – – ‘Asian Hornet 2019’